Flanders Foal Auction continues to Peelbergen

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After a dazzling start to the foal auction season with an average price of no less than 25,500 euro, the second Flanders Foal Auction is already nearby. On Saturday, June 29, 32 jumping foals will be auctioned at Peelbergen Equestrian Center and the collection is now online.

“We are still relishing the success of our auction at Sentower Park last Saturday. We didn’t quite expect such a success,” say Gerald Lenaerts and Luk Van Puymbroeck.

“It will not be easy to match those prices at Peelbergen, but the foals are no less impressive. It is a very strong group overall with fantastic models and an excellent canter. Looking at the collection, we are really excited.”

Some facts in a row:

• 26 foals have a grandam who produced a 1.50m and/or 1.60m horse
• 5 foals have a dam who produced a 1.50m and/or 1.60m horse
• 4 foals have a dam who performed at 1.50m or 1.60m level
• 8 foals have a grandam who performed at 1.50m or 1.60m level

• There are 32 foals from 19 different stallions
• Leading sires are Chacco Blue and Emerald (4), followed by Cornet Obolensky and Ermitage Kalone (3) and Diamant de Semilly, Toulon and Catoki (2).

“We have offspring from the big names, but also from Grand Prix stallions such as Cartello VDL, Luigi d’Eclipse, Quickly de Kreisker and Carambole. Simply because these foals are so special and come from such good sport lines that we did not want to leave them out. There are also lesser-known families, but very good ones. Like that of Carlos vd Nachtegaal Z, a Catoki out of the 1.55m Grand Prix mare Coromena and a grandam Dimena, who jumped 1.60m Grand Prix with Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum.”

Visit www.flandersfoalauction.be for the collection. VIP seats can be reserved via Sigrid Gielen: +32 476 25 86 47. The auction starts on June 29 at 8:00 PM.