The starting shot for unique
Best selling horse: Outsider Photo: Digishots

The starting shot for unique

posted in: Allgemein | 0

And they’re off! Yesterday the 40th edition of opened with the first part of the jubilee collection. Emerald van ’t Ruytershof’s son Outsider was the best selling horse on Monday-night 2 October and he went for 24,000 euro.

Mario Everse says: “We had a great first night, with good horses for fair prices. Now and then there certainly were some bargains which will make their new owners very happy. The confidence in the horses is demonstrated at every auction by the returning buyers. A regular American client, for example, will again add two new auction horses to his stables.” These are the 5-yr-old Cassalitano (Casall x Quintero), going for 20,000 euro and the 4-yr-old Chaccaro Blue (Chacoon Blue x Chepetto) who was sold for 15,000 euro.

The highest price was paid for Outsider. This 4-yr-old is living up to his name, for the chestnut gelding is exceptional in all respects. As son of Emerald van ’t Ruytershof and the 1.55m Grand Prix mare Valine van Veecaten (Equador) his jumping talent is equally impressive as his pedigree. These qualities were also recognized by Canadian buyers and they laid claim on this future talent for 24,000 euro.

Carlo 545 (Casall x Quo Vados I) will cross over to North America for 17,000 euro. He is one of four horses leaving for the USA.

European buyers were also successful at this first auction night. Four horses were sold to Germany, three will go to Switzeland and the same number was scored by Spanish buyers. The most expensive foal, T-Cubertha XH (Baloubet du Rouet x Caretano Z) will stay in the Netherlands. This filly from the Nuberta line was knocked down for 11,000 euro.

New chances on Tuesday-night
“Tonight, Tuesday, buyers will have another opportunity to get something unique”, says an enthousiastic Mario Everse. “Then we will auction another about forty lots. From embryos, foals and broodmares to young horses and horses with show experience up to 1.45m level. There are even a dressage horses and a KWPN-approved stallion among them. The bidding is already very lively and I can advise everyone to take a look on the website; you do not want to miss this.”

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