Aloga Equestrian results from a passionate partnership between the Allen family of
equestrian professionals and experienced designers. This team have developed a line of
horse blankets with a strong emphasis on technical quality and an exceptional fit.
“We set out to make a range of affordable horse blankets for everyday use that meet
professional standards and are accessible to everyone. Our team ensured we tested the
blankets carefully to deliver a high-quality product to the industry. I’m really pleased with
the outcome,” said Bertram Allen.

These blankets underwent rigorous testing across a variety of conditions and scenarios. This
included testing at the Allen Family’s breeding and young horse farm in Ireland, where young
horses run and play in the fields, and at the international grand prix stables in Germany,
where the horses are on the go and constantly clipped. This thorough testing guaranteed
that the blankets could endure and perform effectively in various real-life situations.

Aloga Equestrian is available directly to the consumer via our website,
Horse Blankets Made by Professionals, Used by Everyone