CSI4*W Cavaliada Poznan: Douglas Lindelöw wins, Opłatek eighth

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Thursday’s most important class within the CSI4*W CAVALIADA Poznań ended with the victory of Sweden’s Douglas Lindelöw. The best Pole was Andrzej Opłatek.
Big Tour
The first competition counting for the world ranking as part of the CAVALIADA Poznań, the Big Tour for the prize of the Polish Equestrian Federation, was also the first qualification for Sunday’s Grand Prix. The very beginning showed that one cannot calculate here. Swedish rider, the first on the starting list, scored a clear round in perfect time. Her run put the other riders in a difficult situation, as they had to decide on a fast and, at the same time, risky ride. In the end, the best athlete in this competition was Douglas Lindelöw from Sweden. An experienced rider, who throughout his career has been, among other things, the European team vice-champion. A winner many five-star Grand Prix classes, including at the CSIO in Sopot, the Swede is well known to the Polish public.

Second place belonged to another world-class rider. It was the Dutchman Frank Schuttert on riding Gream, and third place went to Erica Swartz Ryan with Madonna. The best of the Poles was Andrzej Opłatek with Le Cordial, who took home the eighth place. Adam Nicpoń and Marek Wacławik also rode clear and in a very good time. Their respective tenth and twelfth places qualify them for the Grand Prix.

Small Tour
The 4* Small Tour, for the prize of tobilet.pl, opened the sporting rivalry at Arena 5. 68 pairs took part, but only one could win. Victory belonged to the leader of CAVALIADA Tour – Greek Angelos Touloupis with Kannandillo. Second place went to Cyril Cools with Seahorse Z, and third to Matas Petraitis with Heineken.
Youngster Tour
On Thursday morning, two competitions were held in arena 7A as part of the Youngster Tour – for young horses. Both were well attended by competitors, presenting a great group of future stars. The first one was a competition for 6- and 7-year-old horses for the prize of “Sukces po Poznansku” magazine. As many as 68 pairs took part, and the best of them was Grzegorz Nowak riding Kaskada. Second place went to Kristaps Neretnieks on the 7-year-old gelding Quandar Cece and third to Maciej Kostrzewski with the mare Missouri Hippica.
Later, we witnessed the rivalry for 5-year-old horses, for the prize of the Poznań Book Fair. Here, once again, triumphed the winner of the Warsaw Grand Prix, Angelos Touloupis with Domino Z, while the second place belonged Anna Stasiak on Con Shapo Ba. Michał Jóskowiak and Blitz ALZ topped off the podium.

The next Youngster Tour competition will take place on Saturday.
Medium Tour
In the CSI4*W Medium Tour competition under the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the winner was Germany’s Johanna Beckmann with Noblesse Z. Second place went to Adam Nicpoń and Counter and third to Angelos Touloupis riding Del Rey Of The Lowlands Z.
Full results from all competitions are available HERE.
The program can be found HERE.


SPORT tickets can be purchased at tobilet.pl. EXPO & FAMILY tickets are available for all days, also at the ticket offices, priced at 25PLN for a discount ticket and 35PLN for a regular ticket.

SPORT & VIP tickets: https://tobilet.pl/cavaliada-poznan-2023.html

EXPO & FAMILY tickets: https://tobilet.pl/cavaliada-poznan-2023-family-expo.html